Record of Incoming Calls to Personal Cell Phone (Between 7am and 7pm, January 23 through February 22), 2007
31 unique photograms, 11 x 14 inches each. Installation 63 x 109 inches.
During the month long duration of this project, I placed my cell phone directly onto a sheet of unexposed color photo paper between the hours of 7am and 7pm.
The phone was left on "vibrate" mode. When calls were made to the cell phone, a light built into the phone would illuminate and the phone would vibrate. While vibrating, the light from the phone exposed the paper, forming trails of colored marks. Each mark represents one telephone ring from a caller. At 7pm each day, the photo paper was processed and dated. Blank photographs represent days when no calls were received.
The photographs are displayed in the form of a calendar grid, based upon the billing month. Each photograph is in the order by date that it was made. During the process of making the work, friends and family were unaware of the project.